- To lose weight, you need to eat fewer calories than you burn during the day.
- Low-calorie foods that are high in protein and fiber will help you feel fuller for longer.
Here are 10 healthy low-calorie foods that you should incorporate into your diet.
Apples have lots of fibre and are just sweet enough to satisfy cravings. Make sure to eat apples with the skin, as that’s where most of the fibre is located.
Crunchy vegetables
It’s no surprise that vegetables are low-calorie and nutrient-rich foods. Choose crunchy veggies like broccoli, carrots, celery, cucumbers, or capsicum that provide a crunchy texture and serve as a great snack or side dish to a meal.
Sunflower Seeds
Seeds are calorie-dense, but super healthy since they’re high in healthy fats, fibre, and nutrients like vitamin E. Seeds are also linked to cardiovascular health and an improved cholesterol profile. Try sprinkling sunflower seeds on top of a low-calorie salad to add a nutritious crunch.
Eggs are high in protein and low in calories, making them one of the healthiest breakfast options to enhance weight loss and hard-boiled eggs are convenient as they can be eaten on their own or added to salads or other dishes.
Grapefruit has high water content and plenty of fibre and nutrients to make you feel satisfied. In addition, the complex sweet-yet-tart flavor makes grapefruit feel like a treat.
A 2006 study of obese individuals found that people who ate fresh grapefruit three times a day before meals lost more weight over a 12 week period.
Fish is packed with protein, which has been linked to weight loss, in part because it keeps you feeling full and you digest it more slowly. Eating white fish, like cod, and fish that contain omega-3 fatty acids, including salmon and sardines consumed fewer calories than people who ate a beef-based meal.
If you’re not comfortable cooking fish, canned tuna can provide the same benefits. Avoid high-calorie mayo, and mix your tuna with healthier options. It tastes great with chopped vegetables like tomato, onion, cilantro, and peppers, or by itself with a little bit of lime and salt added.
Greek Yoghurt
Consuming yogurt can help to increase weight loss and reduced body fat. Greek Yoghurt is a particularly good choice because it’s naturally low in fat and high in protein. It can also be used as a base for lower calorie salad dressings and dips.
Tomatoes are a versatile, low-calorie vegetable that make a great snack. “Tomatoes are very low calorie, their robust flavour, high water content, and fibre content will help you feel satisfied.
Add a tiny drizzle of olive oil and sprinkle of pepper for extra hunger-fighting power. Although olive oil is calorie dense, the added fat can help you stay fuller for a longer time.
Chicken breast
Chicken breast is a low-fat, low-calorie source of protein. A 100-gram serving of chicken has approximately the same amount of protein as the same-sized serving of beef, with about 25% fewer calories and half the fat. Shred the chicken breast and add to salads or making low-calorie tacos by using a lettuce wrap.
Soup has a high liquid volume, without many calories. Because of that, it can help fill you up and reduce the amount that you eat later in the day. Skip creamy soups and reach for a chunky, vegetable soup with a clear broth, which is the most filling.